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来源:易贤网 阅读:1540 次 日期:2016-12-05 17:16:17

ladies and gentelmen,
honored guests and visitors:
thank you for being here today.
i'll be discussing white lies.
i think they're important and necessary.
i feel they're perfectly ok to say.
yhey protect and preserve.
they bring comfort and joy.
here's why we tell white lies.
first,white lies protect the innocent.
they hide painful truths.
they help avoid heartache and suffering.
they can lessen a tragedy.
they can mask an ugly mess.
white lies are often better than the truth.
white lies can comfort a child.
they can dignify the elderly.
they can even console the broken-hearted.
second,white lies give encouragement.
they often give hope.
they can inspire,motivate and uplift.
they are potent psychology.
they can trun a life around.
they can even work miracles sometimes.
teachers use them with failing students.
parents try them with troublesome kids.
doctors tell them to the terminally ill.
third,white lies bring happiness.
they are a delightful gift.
they can really cheer people up.
they are thoughtful and considerate.
they are kind-hearted and polite.
white lies are effective praise.
they bring enjoyment to kids.
they introducemagic and fantasy.
thanks to white lies we have fairy tales like santa claus.
fourth,white lies are part of our culture.
white lies are inevitable.
here are six white lies!
it's great to see you!
you're looking healthy.
you're looking younger all the time.
tis tastes delicious!
this is the best i've ever had!
i'm sorry,i have to go.(smile!)
in conclusion,we all know that honesty is the best policy.
we know that there is no substitute for the truth.
but many times a white lie is the way.
i'm not ashamed to tell a white lie.
they are harmless and useful.
they make this world a better place.
say them with a selfless spirit.
say them because you care about others.
maybe that white lie will really become true!

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