兼职The Part Time Job
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In the collage, I do the part time jobs on the weekend and vacations.


The jobs I do are tutoring the middle school students in a training center, doing the sales work in the shopping mall, passing out the leaflets for the sales promotion and assisting a professor to prepare the physical lab.


The part time jobs are not only about the money to me but also a good opportunity to be prepared for entering society after graduating for the collage.


The tutoring job requires a great patience. There are always more than 20 students come toward me and ask me different questions at the same time. I have to keep order in the class and answer their question one by one. This really helps me to be an organized person and build up my grave and dignified bearing. I think I can handle any chaos in the school if I am willing to be a teacher as my career.


The sales and passing out leaflet work trains me not be coy to the stranger. I have to be very extroverted and active to have this job done well. Now I am more confident, and no longer be afraid in a strange environment.


And the assisting job allows me to have more time with my teacher the professor. He is really nice to me and sometimes give me an extra lesson at spare time. He gives me a lot guidance in the study and work, I appreciate it very much.


There are many advantages of doing part time jobs in collage. I will do better in the future since I have such great experiences of part time jobs in collage.


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