传销的诱惑The Temptation of Pyramid Selling
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Many years ago, a popular word comes to people’s ears, it is the new illegal industry, it called pyramid selling. The media exposed the industry, it was a selling group which worked on the illegal selling, once people joined in the group, there was no way for them to get rid of it. It is people’s greed that makes them hard to resist the temptation of pyramid selling.


Pyramid selling is made up of a group, they implant people the idea that they can be rich by selling the products. It sounds ridiculous, but the group finds a way to persuade people to believe it, they know people can’t resist the great temptation from money, so they always succeed in cheating people.


Once people get into the group, they can’t flee from the group. Some realize the fact, they can’t get rid of the group without the help with policeman, the other who are willing to work in the group have been washed brain, they abandon their families and never go home.


Pyramid selling is very dangerous, people must not greedy, the fortune is gained by hard working.


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