开放式还是封闭式住宅小区?Open Housing Estates Or Closed Ones?
来源:易贤网 阅读:946 次 日期:2017-03-03 16:46:50
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Recently the government released a file about the suggestions on the city planning management which suggested that to stop building the closed housing estates but building the open ones in order to promote the open community system. By which means, the existing closed housing estates would need to be took down the walls and make the private roads and garden greening go public.


This is like a bomb blast on the internet. People either against or support.


Some people think it is a good idea to take down the walls to get the residential districts more open and meanwhile, let the gardens and the roads the estates be a part of the city, no doubt it would help to improve the city appearance.


On the other hand, people would have some worries. First of all, the housing estate is the private property including the roads and the garden greening inside, is to make them go public legal? Second, how does the property management work? No walls and entrance guards would make the security a big problem, who will be responsible for the extra managing work?


Anyway, the suggestion of the open housing estate has not settled yet, people still can talk about it and make some effort to it.


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