乌克兰美女泛滥 Numerous Beauties In Ukraine
来源:易贤网 阅读:1640 次 日期:2017-03-09 16:34:44
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In China, since the policy of family plan carried out, our large growth of population has slowed down. According to the research, China will have 30million bachelors, which means boys will have great pressure to find a wife. While in Ukraine, the situation is opposite, the number of girls surpasses boys. People play a joke that Chinese boys can go to Ukraine to seek for the chance.


Many years ago, some pictures showing that Chinese boys married Ukraine girls were very popular on the Internet. The boys were homely looking while the girls were so pretty. People started to pay a lot of attention on this country. Indeed, there were so many pretty girls and the proportion of gender loses balance. As a result, many girls can’t find boyfriends.


Now Ukraine government has announced that Chinese tourists can make their visas as they come to this land. It is good news for both countries. Chinese people can have a look at the beautiful scenery and Ukraine can promote their economic development. By the way, maybe there will be more couples between the two countries.


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