来源:易贤网 阅读:1520 次 日期:2017-04-24 09:49:07


Todd: Adrienne, we are talking about your family. Can describe the people in your family? Like, what's your mother like, and your father like and your sister?

Adrienne: OK, well, let me start with my mother. I'm hoping she doesn't listen to this, though, maybe. My mother is a very interesting. She has a great sense of humor and she's a very kind woman, very generous woman. She's also not afraid to say what she is thinking, which is a quality I admire about her very much.

Todd: What about your father? How would you describe your dad?

Adrienne: My dad is probably the nicest man you'll ever meet. He's very kind, very generous, very warm-heart and he's really a good guy and I love him very much.

Todd: And actually I met your father and he's a very big guy.

Adrienne: He is. Which means he has a very big heart.

Todd: Right.

Adrienne: He is. My dad's very tall and takes up a lot of space. It's true.

Todd: Gentle-Giant, right?

Adrienne: Something like that. Yeah. Yeah.

Todd: OK, now you have a sister. Is she younger or older?

Adrienne: Younger sister.

Todd: Oh, younger sister. How would you describe her personality?

Adrienne: My sister is actually quite similar to my dad in that she has a very good heart and she's very generous and very open, very friendly and giving personality and she is probably the only person on the planet who can make me laugh at any moment.

Todd: That's nice.

Adrienne: She cracks me up. So, She's got a great sense of humor, but part of that probably comes from being sisters too.

Todd: Now you said that your sister is very similar to your father, so you are very similar to your mother?

Adrienne: Coincidentally, yes, actually. My mother and I have a lot in common in terms of our personality, which means that we get along very well and then sometimes we don't. Cause we remind each other of each other perhaps.

Todd: So, like what traits do you have in common?

Adrienne: I would say that we both very often say what we're thinking, which not everybody likes all of the time.

Todd: I think being outspoken is good.

Adrienne: It can be. It can be which is why I think it's a good quality but it sometimes can lead to more conflict than you're prepared for.

Todd: Right. Well, it sounds like you have a nice balance.

Adrienne: Mm, we do.

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