地道美语:"ush around ""把……呼来唤去,摆布
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1.I don' t play around when it comes to money. "play around ""胡闹,闹着玩"

eg: Don' t get caught playing around by the teacher. 别让老师逮着你在胡闹.

He was playing around on the boat and fell overboard. 他在船上闹来着,然后掉到水里了.

2.Are you still trying to pull something on me? "pull sth on sb ""蒙,欺骗"

eg: I caught them trying to pull something on me in the meeting. 他们骗我的事让我在会上当场逮到.

My lawyer makes sure no one pulls anything on me. 我的律师能保证没人能骗得了我.

3.can just push around. "push around ""把……呼来唤去,欺侮,摆布"

eg:My older brother' s always pushing me around. 我哥总欺负我.

The company is getting pushed around by competitors. 公司正被对手挤兑.

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