来源:易贤网 阅读:706 次 日期:2017-08-31 09:13:48

A:There's so much food on the table, I don't know where to begin.桌上这么多菜,我都不知道从哪里开始。

B:Pass your plate down to Chuck, Tina. He'll put meat on it. He always carves the turkey.把你的盘子递给查克,蒂娜。他会把肉放在上面。他总是切火鸡。

A:White meat or dark, Tina?白色肉还是深色肉,蒂娜?

B:Dark, please. I like the drumsticks.请给我深色肉。我喜欢鸡腿。

A:Why don't you start passing the potatoes, honey?亲爱的,你为什么不开始传递土豆呢?

B:You know, Tina, it's okay to pick up the leg with your fingers. You don't have to cut it from the bone. Around here, we think eating should be easy and fun.蒂娜,你知道吗,用你的手指拿鸡腿是没关系的。你不必从骨头那里切。在这里我们觉得吃应该随意、有趣。

A:And try a little bit of everything. Then you can go back for seconds, after you see which dishes you like best.而且每一样都尝一点。你看你最喜欢哪道菜,你就可以马上回去拿。

B:I feel so full. I don't think I could eat another bite. Thank you, Chuck and Rachel, for inviting me to share this delicious meal with you and all your friends.我觉得很饱,我一口都不能再吃了。查克和雷切尔,谢谢你们邀请我和你以及你们的朋友一起分享这些美味的食物。

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