来源:易贤网 阅读:880 次 日期:2017-09-13 08:53:47

A:Hi, did you call for an exterminator?嘿,你给专业杀虫的人打电话了?

B:Yes! Thank goodness you’re here.These bugs are driving us crazy!是的,谢天谢地,你终于来了。这些虫子都把我们逼疯了。

A:What sort of pest are we dealing with?我们要对付那种害虫?

B:We just bought this house and it is infected with just about everything. We have termites in the wood, cockroaches all over the place, and last night I saw a huge rat out in the backyard!我们刚买了这所房子,屋子里几乎什么害虫都有,木头中有白蚁,到处都是蟑螂,昨晚,我看见一只大老鼠在后院里跑。

A:Well, there’s nothing we can’t handle. I’ll spray the floorboards and walls to get rid of the cockroaches, but the termites will be harder to get rid of. We will have to cover the entire house and fumigate it. Unfortunately that means you will have to find a place to stay for the next three days.没有什么我们不能处理的。我们会在地板和墙上喷洒药剂来去除蟑螂,但是白蚁比较难清除。我们必须先将整个屋子盖住,然后用烟熏。不幸的是这意味着未来3天你得另寻住处。

B:No problem, just get rid of the bugs!没问题,把害虫清除吧。

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