没时间运动是借口 工作再忙也要动起来 英语职场健康阅读
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An early morning workout may burn more calories, and improve your body's performance capabilities, but let's face it, some of us would rather sleep in and hit the gym after work. That's OK; evening workouts have their perks.


If you'd much rather exercise after you've clocked your eight hours at work, here are some tips to make evening workouts a priority.


Avoid an Afternoon Slump — Eating a big, greasy meal for lunch and then treating yourself to unhealthy snacks throughout the afternoon is one of the best ways to kibosh an early evening workout session. Refined carbs and sugar will take a toll on energy levels, so be sure to eat a healthy lunch that includes a good mix of lean protein, veggies, complex carbs, and healthy fats. This will help keep you feeling full and energized without giving you that lethargic feeling.


Pack Your Gym Bag Before Bed — If you're not a morning person to begin with, finding time to get your gym items together may cut into what little time you have to shower or eat. Before you go to bed, get your gym bag put together and set it right at the door. Doing this will make sure you include all of your essential gym items, and you won't forget to grab it as you're leaving.


Happy Hour Can Wait — You take your gym bag with you to work, but then Sally in the next cubicle reminds you that it's Greg's birthday and everyone is going to happy hour to celebrate. You may think that this is the perfect excuse to get out of your date with the treadmill, but happy hour can wait — and besides, you can squeeze in a quick workout and make it to Greg's birthday bash.


Sign Up For Classes With a Co-Worker — Not only does signing up for classes help keep you accountable for your after-work gym sessions, but going to them with a co-worker also leaves little room for excuses! If you buddy up with someone from work, you'll be less likely to skip out on trips from the office to the gym. And really, who doesn't like a gym buddy?


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