像傻瓜一样地活着 Live Like a Fool
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The reason why people always feeling annoyed is that they have a very good memory. We always keep the things we should forget in mind, and forget the things we should remember. Why somebody said that fools are adorable and ridiculous, just because they live in their own world and laugh happily. If we could remember the things we should remember, and forget the things we should forget, if we take every day as a new beginning, then our life would be much nicer.


Living like a fool is not a shame thing, because we both know that we are not really a fool literally. Since the really world is so cruel to you, which you have to keep on living in it, why could not we live in the world we build in our mind for a while . Some one might say that it is a psychopath issues, human beings are social creatures, we have stick to each other, and living apart from social world is not good for the development of communication, and sooner or later, you will become unsocial, and be eliminated by society.


In my point of view, I cannot agree with the opinion above. If people living in the world they image sometimes means they are a psychopath, then there are lots of people are psychopath. It is wise to forget the things that make ourselves sad or upset, and try to remember the best things in our life. Only in this way, could we stay in the best state to face the cruel world, and become a positive person. Even though it might like a fool, but as long as we could have a happy life, who cares that.



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