Ask & Learn闻问切英语口语: 另一方面再另一方面
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Ask & Learn闻问切英语口语:另一方面再另一方面

提到 on the one hand ... on the other hand 这句型,还有不少趣谈。电影 Fiddler on the Roof 中,父亲发现女儿居然未经媒妁之言就和一个年青小伙子私订终身,大为生气,但心情平静后有一点后悔,心中暗想:

He loves her. Love, it's a new style. On the other hand, our old ways were once new, weren't they? On the other hand, they decided without parents, without a matchmaker! On the other hand, did Adam and Eve have a matchmaker? Well, yes, they did. And it seems these two have the same matchmaker!

这一段自白里,有一连串的 on the other hand,这当然不是正规的用法。电影以戏谑的方式——另一方面之后又再另一方面,把做父亲的犹豫心情表达出来。

日常用语中,也有人故意说 on the one hand ... on the other hand ... on the third hand 等,人只有两只手,不可能有 on the third hand,因此这也是开玩笑的用法。

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