保护臭氧层人人有责 Protecting the Ozone Sphere is the Duty of Everyone
来源:易贤网 阅读:653 次 日期:2014-06-06 18:00:32
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With the intensification of human activities, the ozone layer of the earth's surface appears serious hole. Maybe ozone layer is abstract to many people. Let me take a metaphor, ozone layer just like the clothes of our human beings. If our clothes are damage, we will get hurt at last. Recently, as the developing of science and technology, there are more and more new products coming into the world. They bring great convenience to human beings, but they also join the group of damaging ozone sphere at the same time. For example, Freon coming from refrigerator does harm to the ozone sphere. If the ozone layer is destroyed, our mankind will have to face great damage. We will have more chance to get skin cancer, cataract and so on. And there are other living things will be affected. The marine ecosystem also couldn’t avoid this disaster.


Therefore, we need to do something to protect the ozone sphere to protect ourselves. We should not use air conditioning, refrigerator, cars, spray and the product containing CFCs. But I think the first thing we need to do is improving our environmental protecting conscious. How many people know that 16th, September of every year is the International Ozone Layer Protection Day? In order to make a healthy living environment and the future of human being, please try your best to do something.



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