来源:易贤网 阅读:657 次 日期:2017-04-24 09:44:27


Todd: Now, Adrienne, we are both work in the same office. We are colleagues. Let's talk about lunch. We have different lunch tastes. Why don't you talk about what do you like to have for lunch?

Adrienne: Ah, my favorite thing to do for lunch, when I'm at the office, of course, is to go for either Indian or Vietnamese. Both are very spicy and I like that for lunchtime. Also, it's kind of a light lunch I think, so I like it to be light, but somewhat exciting.

Todd: See, I like Indian food and I like the Vietnamese food, but I just don't like doing it for lunch. I'm a burger-and-fry guy. Like at lunch, I just want a sandwich or a hamburger and a milkshake, quick and easy. It tastes good.

Adrienne: Too heavy for me for lunchtime.

Todd: It tastes so good though.

Adrienne: I know, but I fall asleep an hour later sitting at my desk. Don't tell anyone.

Todd: So when you do have fast food – you do eat pretty healthily – but when you do eat fast food, what kind of fast foods do you like the most?

Adrienne: Well, I am a sucker for a good cheeseburger, so I really do like to have that, but again, I have to be able to go home and sleep after I've eaten one.

Todd: So it just sits there.... So what do you like on your hamburgers? What vegetables?

Adrienne: My favorite cheeseburger that I found – I actually found a restaurant recently that has really good cheeseburgers – and my favorite one is lettuce, tomato, raw onion, avocado and cheese.

Todd: That sounds pretty good. Actually, when it comes to burgers for me, I just want it plain. I just want a bun a hamburger, actually no cheese, a little ketchup and maybe a little lettuce, but that's it. Just hamburger and bread.

Adrienne: You're a simple guy Todd.

Todd: I am a simple guy.

Adrienne: See, I like my food a little more exciting I think than you do.

Todd: OK, but as for the sauces, we got mustard, mayonnaise and ketchup. Which do you like the best?

Adrienne: Hmm, it depends on what the other ingredients are.

Todd: Right. See the thing is that I love mustard. I can eat mustard on just about anything, you know meat, whatever. I hate mayonnaise. I don't understand why people eat mayonnaise. It's disgusting. And ketchup, I eat sometimes.

Adrienne: If I have a plain cheeseburger, nothing on it, just cheese and meat, and bun, then ketchup and mustard, but if it's got vegetables on it, then I like mayonnaise. It's just a preference.

Todd: I know. There's something about mayonnaise. I don't know.

Adrienne: Get over it.

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