来源:易贤网 阅读:769 次 日期:2017-04-24 09:44:49


Todd: So, Adrienne, we've been talking about food. It's late afternoon. What are you doing for dinner? What are you going to cook tonight?

Adrienne: I don't think I'll cook tonight.

Todd: No, no cooking?

Adrienne: No, I feel lazy today.

Todd: So you're going to eat out?

Adrienne: Probably.

Todd: Yeah, what's on the agenda? What's for dinner?

Adrienne: I'm not sure yet. There's a couple nice restaurants in my neighborhood so I might go and grab something to eat near here.

Todd: So, are you going to go and actually eat in the restaurant or are you just gonna bring it back?

Adrienne: Maybe I'll go eat at the restaurant. I don't feel like doing dishes either.

Todd: Right, well, but it's disposable, you just throw it away, right?

Adrienne: Not good for the environment , Todd.

Todd: Yeah, I know, but…. Yeah, I don't have any argument for that one.

Adrienne: No conscience.

Todd: Yeah, well, I look it this way, you know. You waste a little bit of paper, but you save water because you don't have to wash dishes.

Adrienne: Interesting. I think the paper is more detrimental though.

Todd: It's definitely not as renewable as water that's for sure.

Adrienne: Maybe. I don't know what environmentalist would argue about that.

Todd: So when you go to a restaurant, what things do you look for in a restaurant that you like?

Adrienne: Well, number one, location. They're nearby. That makes it very handy for me. I like the convenience. Two, they have to be….have an interesting menu, a diverse menu, interesting food. I like that. And, also of course be clean and relatively inexpensive. Those are all important points for me to like a restaurant.

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