来源:易贤网 阅读:808 次 日期:2016-01-13 10:42:45

The pie graph, in a pie form, shows the proportation of car colours.The colours of car is are generally classified into four types as follows:blue,red,white and others.

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As can be seen, white has the largest percentage, which is 56%,while blue has the smallest proportation,which accounts for just 3.12%.

According to the pie chart,white,which represents 56.11%,is the most common among of the total colours.Then next is red with 28.05%,followed by others ,making up 12.72%,and finally comes blue, at 3.12%.It must be pointed out that white is about twice as common as red.And it is also interesting to note that each of the others is four times as popular as blue.

It can be concluded that from the graph clearly shows that the graph clearly that people buy more white cars than red cars.

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