口语入门:流行的滑板车 The popular scooters
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A:If you go out recently you will find some people riding scooters in high streets and back lanes.


B:Yes. The German engineer would never dreamed that the hand- supported scooter he invented several years ago to solve his traffic problems would become so fashionable in the Occident within a few years and even spread to Japan and China.


A:Looking at the 'five sense organs' of a scooter, it can be said as delicate and agile. To pull the T-shaped pole and make it vertical with the flat board and then pull it vertically, adjust its height suitable to you and you may use it.


B:Small and exquisite in size, easy to operate, foldable and easy to carry are its charms.


A:Your two hands hold the pole, stand on the board, the other foot steps back against the ground and controls well the balance of the body, then you can ride in the air. It has a feeling of surfing. You need not let other people teach you. Your fear will disappear quickly.


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