小小设计师 The Little Designer
来源:易贤网 阅读:1009 次 日期:2016-11-10 16:43:25
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Every girl loves fashion, when they see the models walking on the stage, they will be attracted and want to follow their styles. Most girls start to notice the fashion as they become the teenagers, when they are children, they don’t see the difference. But it has been reported that a four years old girl had created the fashion. What the shocking news, the girl is from America and she can design the dress by herself, the paper is the main material. The mother said that the girl loved to see fashion show and then she would make the dress to imitate the style. The mother posted the pictures on the Internet, and soon it caught many people’s attention, people spoke highly of the girls’ design. Her talent was noticed by the famous company, they signed her and let the girl make her own style. What a talented girl.


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