来源:易贤网 阅读:1108 次 日期:2017-12-06 16:38:15

Bosses spend more time dealing with disciplinary issues because of a failure to communicate with employees


Don't like your boss? Think you can do a better job?


The findings have highlighted the growing unrest amongst workers towards those in charge - which is also undermining the UK's economic recovery.


Most managers believe their staff are satisfied with them, but only 58% of employees agreed.


A survey of 2,000 employees suggested that one of the problems in tackling the UK’s skills deficit is that many managers do not know how bad they are at handling people.


Ben Willmott, of the CIPD, said: 'Leadership and management capability continues to be an Achilles heel for UK plc, despite mounting evidence that these are skills for growth essentials.

英国特许人事与发展协会的本 威尔默特说:“尽管大量证据表明领导能力和管理能力是经济增长的要素,然而这两方面的能力对英国上市有限公司而言依然是个软肋。

'Our research shows almost three in 10 people have direct management responsibility for one or more people in the workplace, and yet only just over half of employees are satisfied with their manager.


'A small increase in capability across this huge population of people managers would have a significant impact on people’s engagement, well-being and productivity.


'However, too many employees are promoted into people management roles because they have good technical skills, then receive inadequate training and have little idea of how their behaviour impacts on others.'


Three out of five managers said they met individual employees at least once a fortnight to discuss their workload or other work-related issues, but just one in four employees agreed this was the case, said the report.


Willmott added: 'Too many managers fall into a vicious cycle of poor management; they don't spend enough time providing high-quality feedback to the people they manage, or coaching and developing them or tapping intotheir ideas and creativity.


'Which means they have to spend more time dealing with stressed staff, absence or conflict and the associated disciplinary and grievanceissues.'


While 'good' managers prioritised spending time with their staff, the report added.


Willmott concluded: 'Good managers value and prioritise the time with their staff because they realise that this is the only way to get the best out of them.'




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